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Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Beginning

So today starts the beginning of my blog. As a writer, it's a new project started and also something to make me write everyday or atleast almost everyday. As a Pilates instructor and a Pilates Lover it's the beginning of a new journey. It's embarking on a new way of thinking and learning. It's the beginning of understanding each individual's needs, desires, and healing process using the Pilates Principles. I first started Pilates almost 8 years ago, just taking mat classes 2 days a week in a gym. I loved them! As an athlete my entire life, Pilates gave me a different kind of challenge every week. My instructor was hard core! My first class we were doing push ups, open leg rocker, and corkscrew. I left class thinking "Wow, I just got my butt kicked." I continued my two days a week for 5 years, before moving back to where I grew up. My Mom had a small studio in her home, with just one Reformer and one Wunda chair. I quickly became her understudy, geting my mat certification and then two years later finishing up my full certification with BASI. Now our little studio, has become a booming store front with what seems like a revolving door, six days a week. Which there are no complaints with this economy, it's incredible to see so many people take interest in something that not many had heard of 20 years ago. And it's even more incredible that people are taking care of themselves more and more and that Pilates can help anyone, no matter their age, race, gender, or disability.

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